Wednesday, April 13, 2011


At first it was not clear to me that Heroku was free for very small apps, but it is.  There are also a few restrictions that Heroku has:
  1. The project has to use Git
  2. The project has to be a Rails App (or have a
  3. The project has to be in the repository root (good practice)
  4. The project has to list all the dependent gems (good practice)
If you meet all these requirements it is as simple as installing the heroku gem, creating a new app, and pushing the to heroku.

Setup a heroku ENV

$ mkdir heroku
$ cd heroku
$ rvm use 1.9.2@heroku --create
$ gem install heroku

Pushing to Heroku

$ git clone
$ cd Laser-Landmarks-Prototype
$ heroku add laser-landmarks
$ git push heroku master