Friday, February 25, 2011


Apparently I have been doing TDD wrong for years (who knew?).  There are plenty of resources out there to help, but here are the ones I found useful in the order of most to least useful.

  1. BDD - TDD done well?  Basically explained away my misconceptions about BDD.  I thought it a replacement to TDD (unit testing) and it is not.
  2. Roman Numeral Kata in Ruby.  I had thought the point of testing was to test working code and never really bridged to understand how good code comes from bad code that is tested.  The video shows by adding tests that define the "correct" code 1 at a time and coding only to the current tests that elegant solutions are likely.
  3. TDD Problem.  It is nice to read articles and watch movies, but until you have actually attempted to solve a real life TDD problem things are not going to make sense.  This site is full of problems.
  4. Gherkin.  This is the language used by Cucumber to define BDD.
  5. How I Learned To Love Testing.  Demo of by testing up a test env things are easier.
  6. How to adopt TDD and ensure adherence?  The question posed is strikingly similar to oppositions that I have heard in the past; mostly stemming from misconceptions about testing.  The selected answer is well formed, and is the main reason to read the question.
  7. Ruby Koans.  Helps people learn ruby by presenting tests that all fail and requiring the user to code until they pass.  The tests are very basic, but it is a good foray into TDD
  8. Cucumber Tutorials and Related Blog Posts.  Just a list of other resources.

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