Sunday, June 26, 2011

ExtJS 3 Views and Controllers

In a previous post I wrote about my impressions of Ext4.  The overall impression were that the ideas were sound, but the implementation was still buggy.  So instead of waiting (which is not possible in a business sense) I have back-ported the ideas to Ext3.  I have not yet figured out how to get stores and models working well, but I have gotten views and controllers works very well.

Views basically work as is, because that is how ExtJS was designed.  Any subclass of a UI widget will work as a view.  However, to make the concept of a view work well they should only be instantiated once and have their modification logic in a controller.  For this reason I recommend using the following directory layout:
  • app.js
  • ext/
  • app/
    • controllers/
      • Controller.js
      • ContentController.js
    • lib/
    • view/
      • layout/
        • Content.js
      • Viewport.js
      • OtherView.js

This should just a Ext.onRead function that instantiates the Viewport.js class.  It should also setup any globals that will be used throughout the app and should be included last.

Since views should only be instantiated once this is the place to put reusable code.  Items here will not usually have an xtype because they will be extended by view items.

This is the base class for all controllers.  It has the helper to bind to views and look them up afterwards.  A small override to Ext.ComponentMgr is required to make everything work.

This needs to be a simple card layout so that you can add new items to it.

This class binds to a something that would change the content panel, like a TreePanel, and then using Ext.ComponentMgr creates a card, adds it to the content, and shows it.

1 comment:

  1. Would you mind expanding on this? I'd really like to start using a better MVC structure for Ext JS 3.x
